Step 1: Make a list of everything you own or everything you intend to store
The first step in deciding the quantity of storage unit you require is determining how much you possess or intend to move. Pinpoint larger objects such as sofas, desks, and bookcases and count every one of your boxes/cartons. Make a note of everything. If you wish to store the contents of a little bedroom, for instance, your inventory would most certainly comprise items like a bed and mattress, a refrigerator, a chair a bookcase, a dresser or other furniture.
Step 2: Examine your storage options at home
Examine your home storage options. After cataloging and counting all the items you want to store, check that you have utilized all the storage space in your home. This way, you won’t rent a storage unit larger than you need, saving money, as storage units are more expensive with greater capacity.
Step 3: Estimate your space requirement
Using the storage unit size chart above, estimate the space required to store your items. You’ll want to have the estimated space requirements in square feet or cubic feet as those measurements will determine what storage unit size will be rented out to you.
Step 4: Choose the most appropriate size storage unit for you
After taking all of your measurements, decide whether you need a small, medium, or large unit. The simplest method is to put your stuff in a pile and measure the pile’s length, width, and height, adding 1.5m to each measurement Comparing your dimensions to the table above can help you determine which size is best for you.